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The REJEnerAXion Toolkit – the digital tree


The REJEnerAXion toolkit is a graphical representation of the analysis carried out during the project according to the different dimensions of the research: 


  • Country level: for each country, the REJENerAXion tree toolkit presents the national report (based on desk analysis and interviews to stakeholders), the 3 case studies and the video interview

  • European and comparative levels: the REJENerAXion tree presents the European report, the comparative report and the Policy Reccomendations, as well as the Executive Summary

  • Occupational pathways level: the tree highlights the job transition paths and relevant type of measures adopted (indicating also the country in which these solutions have been implemented)


An index reporting the different levels is present within the tree to facilitate the navigation.


The structure of the REJEnerAXion toolkit tree is the result of information gathered at country level in the roots level, further analysed and compared in the trunk and showcased in the branches and leaves.


  • The Roots stand for the Country level: each root represents a project country for a total of 8 roots (listed in alphabetical order). Each root hosts national reports, interviews and the case studies enabling the reader to explore the context of the green transition of the energy sector in the 8 project countries.

  • The Trunk represents the supporting documents that are the main outcomes of the entire project, resulting from the analysis and comparison between countries and including a focus on the criticalities emerging from the countries (i.e. the roots). The documents include: the executive summary - a nutshell of recommendations and comparative report -, the recommendations, the comparative report and the European report –an overview of the green transition of the energy sector in Europe.

  • The branches show the occupational pathways which represent the main affordable paths for workers towards a just and sustainable transition in the energy sector. The occupational pathways identified are “Exit”, “Redeployment” and “Entry”. For each of them, the typology of measures has been identified as sub-branches.

       The leaves refer to the single systemic measures towards the Just Energy Transition


A brief nutshell of the occupational pathways:


  • Encouragement/incentive to exit the labour market refers to measures to tackle the job destruction caused by the energy transition. Its typology of measures is identified in: 1) generational relay, 2) redundancy allowance, 3) incentive based retirement and 4) voluntary retirement. Referred leaves illustrate 10 single measures implemented in the project Partners countries;

  • Redeployment refers to measures to tackle the social impact of disinvestment processes related to the energy transition which affects workers who are not eligible for the “Exit” measures. Its typology of measures is defined as: 1) internal mobility, 2) external mobility and 3) workplace transformation. Referred leaves illustrate respectively 9 single measures, 8 single measures, 5 single measures implemented in the analysed countries;

  • Entry refers to measures to tackle the skill mismatching in the work position related to the energy transition. For the present branch references are directly addressed to the 17 identified single measures.


Finally, the sun (in the corner on the top) refers to the transversal measures implemented in a systemic perspective which guarantee safety and security to workers in the (Just) Energy Transition; in this regard 11 single initiatives have been implemented in the project Partners countries.


How to Navigate the tree


There are two ways you can use to navigate.


  1. Click on each area of the page and it will bring you to the specific information on each spot. With the mouse, while holding down, we can move around the presentation. With a single click we can zoom in on the tabs. We can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

  2. From the bottom line with the dot on it to move between each slide, clicking on the arrows on the bottom as well to go through each as if it would be in a PowerPoint presentation.






On the right side of the page there are two icons, one is a house and one is an arrow. Those will help you return to a previous slide or a previous page of information.


The house icon will bring you back to the main page.

The arrow icon will bring you back to whatever your previous content was.

Discover and navigate through the tree: REJEnerAXion Toolkit – the digital tree


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This project has received funding from the European Union's SOCPL-2021-IND-REL Call for Proposals (Project no. 101052341).
This website reflects only the authors' view and the EC is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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