Our Partners
Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio is the national institute founded by the trade union confederation CGIL for historical, social, economic research and for trade union education and training. FDV focuses on the core issues of work and employment, economics and welfare. It is very active at European level as a member of the ETUI-TURI network and of many other projects consortiums, in the field of the social and labour studies. FDV is promoter and coordinator of several actions, in particular regarding the social dialogue and the industrial relations.
ASTREES is a not for profit organisation working on social dialogue and labour changes in France and Europe: empirical studies, training sessions, debates and experiments around the evolutions of work and employment in France and Europe. Since March 2018, ASTREES is a member of the Eurofound European Network of Correspondents. Today part of the SOS GROUP, it benefits from a very close relationship with Auxilia, another association dedicated to the ecological transition.
Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) is a non-profit research institute based in Bratislava, Slovakia. It fosters multidisciplinary research about the functioning of labour markets and institutions, work and organizations, business and society, and ethnicity and migration in the economic, social, and political life of modern societies.
FILCTEM-CGIL is an Italian democratic trade union organization representing workers' rights, active in promoting safety and improving the living conditions and welfare of workers, both members and non-members. FILCTEM-CGIL operates in important branches of industry and handicrafts (chemical-pharmaceutical, textile-clothing and footwear, plastic rubber, glass, tanning and leather, ceramics and tiles, eyewear, industrial laundries, lamps and displays), energy (oil, gas transportation, mining) and high technological relevance services (electricity, water, gas). FILCTEM is a trade federation of the Italian General Confederation of Labor CGIL.
The Fundación 1º de Mayo is a private, non profit organization, founded in 1988 by the Spanish Trade Union “Confederación Sindical de CCOO” in order to become a reference of critical thinking on economic, social and employment issues, and therefore, to deepen study, reflection and debate on topics affecting workers, citizenship and unionism itself. The main activities of Fundación 1 de Mayo are to promote and develop studies, research debate on major social, economic and political issues that affect workers.
Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is a leading Polish think tank and an independent centre for policy research and analysis, established in 1995. Our mission is to contribute to informed public debate on key Polish, European and global policy issues. Our main areas of study include European policy, social policy, civil society, migration and development policy as well as law and democratic institutions.
LENTIC (Laboratory of Studies on New Forms of Work, Innovation and Change) is a research-action centre in HEC Liège - Management School, Liège University.
For many years it has been multiplying its research and involvement with organizations, focused on the processes of change as well as the organizational and human aspects of such processes. LENTIC has developed internationally recognized expertise. It carries out research projects, and provide advice and support in Belgium and internationally. Its expertise is based on alternating between working with private and public bodies and subsidized research projects. This constant concern to test theory on the ground gives its expertise real added value.